I believe I can say that for all of us, Oxbow has been an interesting experience so far. Unlike any other school I have attended, Oxbow provides a variety of activities - whether curricular or just things I can do around campus in my free time (there’s always the chickens we can mess around with). Let’s recap this week: On Monday, we started our Focus classes which have been very thought provoking so far. For the first month, English, History, and Science were part of one co-taught class called "Connections," but now they're separated and we get to delve further into each subject. On Tuesday, we helped the gardeners distribute 20 cubic yards (about 10 tons!) of compost around campus. That same day, we had our first Visiting Artist Lecture with Anna von Mertens who is also in residence here until next Tuesday. On Thursday, we started our new co-curriculars, and we have an Ice Cream Social on Friday that we are all looking forward to.
Here's to many more great weeks for OS31!
photos by Abbey, Megan, and Mo.
In the dark for a slideshow.

"Ox-Chix" is a weekly campus crew. Students switch off each week, collecting eggs and caring for the ladies.
Science instructor Alex installed a slackline and it is now a favorite past time (as with most semesters).
SO MUCH COMPOST. Many thanks to the gardeners for all their hard work and even more thanks to the students who joined us just for this morning of smelly schlepping.
Megan and Bella cleared out the last of the marigolds. Painting instructor Chris will lead a dyeing workshop this weekend using indigo and marigolds from the gardens.