Thursday, September 3, 2015

Honing in on Solitude

photo: Ezri H

OS33 has already been here for two weeks, and time is speeding along. the Observation Project is completed, the Place project has begun, and our Humanities Team has rolled out their team-taught Connections course with a close reading of Henry David Thoreau's acclaimed Walden. See below for a joint reflection from Ellery T. and Jaden R. on the new Connections unit:

This week, we wrote short papers centered on the idea "What I Live For," which correlated with readings we've been discussing from Thoreau's Walden. We all hiked to a secluded area in Westwood Hills to read our papers for each other, share our lives, and what's important to us. Continuing with reading Walden, we were then assigned to spend three to four hours outside in solitude to reflect and draw about how we feel connected - or disconnected - to nature. The assignment is designed for us to question what makes us happy, as we spend time alone in nature free of other distractions. Lila S, from Vermont, says, "I loved it so much, it was inspiring. I'm going back to the place we hiked to." about her section's Humanities classes and "What I Live For" hike. It has allowed many of us to question ourselves, the outside influences affecting us, and what is really important to us.

photos: Mo Elgazzar