Monday, February 3, 2014


OS30 has landed! With 46 bright and eager students, we have one of the biggest and strongest classes in recent Oxbow history. And we are thrilled to have them here. Despite the terrifying implications of the California drought, the weather has been a dream, welcoming this new class with clear skies and wide-open studio doors. We're off to a great start with OS30--this weekend, on an afternoon walk down the pad, the sound of the Walden audio book wafted out from behind easels in the Painting Studio while students vigorously multi-tasked, grappling with atmospheric perspective and Transcendentalism in the same stroke. Yesterday students finished their first Oxbow project, the culmination of the inter-disciplinary Observation unit, and the work looks great--vibrant, lively, and passionate. If you're new to this blog, welcome! And stay tuned for weekly updates as OS30 navigates their Oxbow journey.