OS31's Final Project Proposals were due today! This is a chance for students to propose their initial ideas for research and art production during their last month at Oxbow. It can be a nerve-wracking time for many as they present their personal work for review and support. As always, the faculty spent the entire day together reading each proposal and suggesting countless resources. Students will receive their proposals back soon and move forward into full production.
In the meantime, have a look at what's floating around in OS31's heads!
proposed topics: Sense of self; Capitalism/American guilt; The language of emotion; Cults and mental illness; Religion, Culture, and morals; Utopia; The Death Penalty, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Sexism, Quilting as Storytelling; Fear in the post 9/11 world; Historical and modern perceptions of beauty; Mythology: established ideas of good vs. evil; Science of emotions; Surveillance; Metacognition; Subvertising; Censorship and cultural isolation; Coming of age; Interior design; Graphic novels; Absence; Rituals; Social networks; Multiple Personality Disorder; Divination; Alter egos; Physical, mental, and social health; Mental illness.
Stay tuned for updates from the studios and be sure to mark your calendars for the weekend of our Final Show - December 13/14.