Saturday, March 14, 2015

From the Studios With Love

OS32 is now deep into Project X and the studios are humming with activity. Each student is far along their own path of inquiry and artistic exploration and with that comes some pretty singular scenes in the studios. Though it's a project based off extensive and serious research and frequently exhausting work, there's plenty of room for art-themed fun and shenanigans.

Here are just a few moments from the sculpture studio as captured by Annie, whose toilet this is:

Patrick and Jess casually strike their best "thinking artist" pose as Sam works in the background. 

Jess and Will during the casting process (with an appearance by Jackson)
Body casting seems to be a teen-favorite and who can blame them? This simple technique allows for countless variations on a theme (the self) and isn't that what Oxbow's all about? Visit Instagram for a fantastic timelapsed video of Jess having her face cast.
Zoe shaping her high density foam sculpture, Jocelyn working on her plaster coated wire armatures, and Tati preparing a suitcase for art renovation.