The third section truly lucked out with a visit to a biodynamic farm in Petaluma run by our science teacher's close friend and former colleague, Seth James. Open Field Farm raises grass fed beef and chickens and grows various crops throughout the year. As we toured the property, "the role of the artist/farmer/consumer/citizen/innovator in society" was on full display in every way from the manner in which the farm was established and maintained, the way in which the community is directly incorporated via a CSA, and the information shared with us by Seth. Considering our earlier discussion about Sue Coe (who creates large drawings of deplorable factory farms), this was an incredibly relevant experience in order to observe the positive alternatives.
Leaving Open Field Farm was difficult, but class with Lordy Rodriguez (our current Visiting Artist) was scheduled for that afternoon. Check back next week for photos and reflections on his residency!
Photos of Open Field Farm by Camilla T and Megan Broughton

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